



At first, it was only football in this oldest continuous school rivalry in the country:

    • 1886-87-第一次会议:十大体育外围平台排名20,宾夕法尼亚大学宪章6
    • 1898-99 - 然后是宾夕法尼亚大学的比赛. 这是多么糟糕的一天啊! 在倾盆大雨中, 我们在一片泥泞的田地里耕作, 更确切地说,是游泳, 整个下午都在起起伏伏. 我们赢了比赛. 杯子又一次平静地停在他的头上. 克肖的书桌,愿它永远留在那里. 十大体育外围平台排名,宾夕法尼亚大学特许学院.
    • 1917-18 - 最后只剩下宾夕法尼亚大学特许学校的比赛了. 我们于11月23日在塔博尔演奏了这首曲子. 像往常一样, 我们被打败了, 但这并不丢脸, 因为宾夕法尼亚特许学校的男孩比我们重十磅. 他们也有无数的替代者,他们利用这些替代者获得了巨大的优势. 宾州特许大学54,十大体育外围平台排名0.
    • 1925-26 - For the first time in many years, 十大体育外围平台排名 was represented by a soccer team in 1925. 然而,由于球员缺乏经验,这个赛季并不成功.
    • 1929-30 - The 43rd annual clash with Penn Charter on November 1 was won by the boys wearing the red, 黑色的, 和蓝色的, 13-6. 宾夕法尼亚大学宪章队在最后一节通过向前传球将比分追平, 但是罗伯茨反击了,他在皇后巷队的防守下跑了35码. “康妮”麦克传球得到第十三分.
    • 1934-35 - 1934年的足球队是该学院历史上最伟大的足球队之一. 这支球队在九场比赛中没有失利. 城里那么多高中和预科学校, 我们学校是唯一一所可以夸耀拥有一个统一的、不败的十一校, 这本身就是一种记录和荣誉. 我们最后一场也是最重要的一场比赛是11月16日在宾夕法尼亚大学举行的. 一万人观看了这场比赛,这是本赛季迄今为止最激动人心的比赛. 当终场哨声吹响时,比分是十大体育外围平台排名13队,宾州特许学校12队. 古老的钟, 在这一年里,每次胜利之后都会响起这种声音, 电脑游戏结束后,铃声又响又响.
    • 1941-42 - 我们的下一场比赛是在潮湿的天气里和宾大宪章队进行的, 泥泞的田野, 比分保持在6比6. There is no doubt, however, that the score would have been different if the field had been dry. Through lack of players and experience, GA’s soccer teams have had their share of hard luck. 可悲的是,今年也不例外.
    • 1954-55 - 本赛季的最后一场比赛对GA来说是一场彻底的灾难, 以26比0输给了宾州特许大学. This year’s soccer team was one of the most spirited and competitive that GA has ever seen. Under the able leadership of Bob Fulton, they went on to win more than half their games.
    • 1964-65 - 比赛的那天天气晴朗、晴朗、凉爽. 按照标准程序,和往常一样,我们输了. 宾大宪章队无法阻止主队在地面比赛中两次得分, 但他们成功地完成了三次触地得分. The hard-fought game was a spectators’ delight, for, if a game could be won on statistics, we did it.
    • 1973-74 - 除了一年一度的传统, the Penn Charter game meant the championship and GA’s first undefeated season since 1952. GA turned the Gold and Blue to 黑色的 和蓝色的… Only a long bomb spoiled the defense’s shut out. The 30-6 kill over a superb Penn Charter team gave the Inter Ac champs an undefeated season. 尽管受到伤病和挫折的困扰, 1974年的足球队曾有过辉煌的时刻, 最值得注意的是在赛季中期对PC的艰难胜利.
    • 1986-87—100th 会议- 寒风刺骨,田野结了冰. Wild cheers broke the stillness of the cold autumn day as hundreds of ardent fans watched their soccer team come from a 3-0 deficit to upset the Quakers 5-3. 球迷们兴高采烈地跑到足球看台上抢座位. 虽然爱国者队在下半场得分超过了PC队,但这还不够. 最终比分是28比18……11月15日不仅仅是一场足球比赛. 这是历史.
    • 1996-97 - The 1996 Football team accomplished something this year that hadn’t been accomplished for sixteen years. In front of an enthusiastic GA crowd, the Patriots overcame the odds and beat Penn Charter 9-6. 第110届GA-PC日有一些明显不同的东西. 和球员们一样,GA的球迷们也处于最佳状态. They were full of excitement and deafening cheers could be heard throughout the day. November 9 was a wonderful day for all those involved (at least those on the GA side!)
    • 1999 - 在64届主教练比尔·考姆的指导下, 爱国者队战胜了PC队, 28-14, 赢得了自1973年以来的首个洲际联赛冠军. Jim Slattery在比赛结束后被评为Geis奖杯(MVP)得主.
    • 2003 & 2004 - While the Patriots won a share of the Inter-Ac League title in '03 and '04 they were unable to get past the Quakers on GA-PC Day.
    • 2013 - 在第127场比赛, 爱国者队在下半场以35比14落后的情况下反败为胜, 42-35, 在贵格会的主场上演了戏剧性的一幕. 在这场胜利中,爱国者队结束了对爱国者队的12连败. 这是马特·丹斯教练在GA-PC日的第一场胜利. Senior quarterback Hayes Nolte '14 was named the Geis Trophy winner after he broke the school career passing record set by Sean Grieve '04 and sparked GA's incredible comeback. Nolte finished the day in the air 17-for-20 for 282 yards and his GA career with 3,892 passing yards. 诺尔特在对阵PC的比赛中也冲了两次达阵得分,并传了一次达阵得分.
    • 2014 - 在第128版中, 在康卡斯特现场直播, Isaiah Jones ’18 scored three first half touchdowns to boost the Patriots to a 40-29 victory over PC before an overflow crowd at Carey Stadium. Jones rushed for 121 yards on 20 carries and finished the season with 1,010 yards on 169 carries. He was named co-MVP and awarded the Geis Trophy along with GA sophomore quarterback Kyle 麦克洛斯基 '17, 谁掷出了158码,两次触地得分.
    • 2016 - 可以说是GA-PC日历史上最伤脑筋的游戏, 爱国者队最终胜出, 17-14, 在第130场比赛中,多亏了文斯·卡彭在最后一秒的射门得分, which was set-up by a masterful drive by Geis Trophy winner Kyle 麦克洛斯基 '17 before a standing room only crowd at Carey Stadium. 这不仅是自尊心的问题, but so was a share of the league title as the Patriots battled all afternoon against a very tough Quakers squad. GA主教练马特·丹斯在第130场比赛结束后表示:“我们有3个进球. “One is to win the day, the second is to win the Inter-Ac, and the third is to beat PC. 我们之前有两个检查标记,但周六我们检查了三个. 这就是这届毕业班所做的. 他们把我们带到了一个点,我们可以检查我们的三个目标. 和这个团队一起做这件事很特别. 马特·戈尔曼只是一个赢家. 帕特·麦克格蒂根就是个赢家. 凯尔·麦克洛斯基就是个赢家.在上半场一分未得之后, the Patriots got on the board when 麦克洛斯基 barreled in from seven yards out with 3:34 left in the third quarter. Both offenses broke through in the fourth quarter when PC’s Edward Saydee capped off a Quakers’ drive with a one-yard touchdown run to tie the game at 7-7 with 9:39 to go in the fourth. The Patriots answered when 麦克洛斯基 connected with wide receiver Mike Reilly ’17 in space for a 49-yard touchdown to put the Pats up 14-7 with 5:48 to go. 有那么一瞬间, 看来GA会以这个比分赢得比赛, 但如果GA-PC日的历史教会了粉丝什么的话, 它教会了他们,在一切结束之前,一切都不会结束. And that’s exactly the point when a near sack of PC quarterback Michael Hnatkowsky turned into 68-yard catch-and-sprint broken play touchdown for Saydee leveling the score at 14-14 with 4:12 to go in the game. The teams traded punts before the Patriots started their final game-winning drive with the ball on their own 36 and 1:06 remaining. The senior southpaw did just that as he engineered the perfect drive and accounted for all the offense to set up Capone's heroics. 跟随比赛, 麦克洛斯基, 谁两次触地得分, 跑了119码, 并通过了165码, 被评为比赛最有价值球员并获得吉斯奖杯. 比赛期间, 他打破了前四分卫海耶斯·诺尔特(Hayes Nolte, 2014届毕业生)的三分成绩记录,886个总传球码. 麦克洛斯基以3903码结束了他的职业生涯.